Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You're from Cedar City

I was recently reminded of a funny client story. She was a twelve year old which I have a hard time with as it is. I tell my Mom that when I have daughters that age I am sending them to her to keep until they are old enough to live on their own. Anyway, I took this girl to the shampoo bowl and she says "Please try not to wash off my makeup, I didn't bring any with me to reapply." Um, I didn't really plan on washing her face, just her hair. And, does a twelve year old really need makeup on anyway? While I was cutting her hair I was asking her if she had always lived in Cedar City. She told me that she had moved from Phoenix. I said something about how that must have been a big change. She said "Oh it was, I really miss all the shopping and the malls." Well then I asked her how old she was when she moved to Cedar. She says "Um, four." Realizing how stupid she sounded having just told me how much she missed the shopping, she quickly added "but I still remember going shopping with my Mom all the time." Sorry sweetie but you are from Cedar City, not Phoenix.


Kori said...

I love the new " the hair and now" picture. So artsy fartsy. Looks great!

Lib-Dawg said...

THAT IS TOTALLY FUNNY! Thanks for the laugh!

Natalie said...

I hadn't heard that one. Funny. I too like the new pic.

Erin said...

Kids...uh, I mean teenagers, say the darndest things!

kyle said...

I am on her side. She is clearly from Phoneix like I am Clearly from Vegas......EAST SIDE! I miss a lot of things about Vegas....Good times!

Heidi said...

Wow! Foot in mouth, could you say. Wonder what her parents are like. Love the new picture as well. Creative.

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